Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a partnership between this library system and others across the nation to loan and/or receive library materials not in our collection. We only request books, movies and audiobooks. If you’d like to request an item, please take a moment to read our frequently asked questions, and then submit your application. We will make every effort to acquire the work you are requesting.
For more information about Interlibrary Loan, or to get an update on a request you’ve made, please contact us or call Mounce Library at (979) 209-5600. You can also view our ILL policy.
Frequently asked questions
Can I fill out the form online?
Yes, you can. Or, if you prefer, you can still download and print out a PDF version of the form, and then return it to us. We now have one form for the entire system. On the form, indicate where you would like to pick up the book (Mounce Library or Ringer Library). ILL items can be returned at those two locations.
What information do I need to provide?
Patron information:
Name, library card number
Item information:
Materials: Author and title (note if a specific edition is needed)
Can I request an item if I have fines?
No. Your account must be current and in good standing. This means you cannot have overdue or lost items on your account, and all outstanding fees and fines must be paid. No items will be ordered if the account is not clear.
How will I know when my items have arrived?
Items are processed as they arrive. Once they are ready to be checked out, we place them on hold for you, and the library system will automatically notify you via phone or email. ILL items will stay on the hold shelf for seven days, regardless of the due date due to lending library. If item is not picked up by the eighth day, it will be sent back to the lending library.
How long can I keep the item?
The due date is set by the lending library. You must return the items on or before the due date posted on the due-date slip on the front cover of the book.
Can I renew an Interlibrary Loan?
Possibly. All renewals are granted or denied by the lending library. To request a renewal, please let us know 3-5 days before the item is due. If a renewal request is granted, we will notify you with the new due date. If a renewal request is denied, the original due date remains.
Is there a fee?
Normally, this service is free; however, some libraries request a nonrefundable fee to lend certain titles. We will contact you if there is a fee.
If you do not agree to pay the fee, the request will be canceled. If you agree to pay, an invoice will be sent with the item. You will pay the amount to the lending library, and the ILL staff will send the invoice and payment to the lending institution.
Note: You may need to pay when you pick up the item.
How many items can I request at one time?
You may have up to three active ILL requests at one time. Once you return a book or pick up a requested article, another request can be made.
How long will it take to receive my Interlibrary Loan?
It may take anywhere from two weeks to two months or more to receive the requested item. It depends on the location of the lending library and the number of copies available.
Interlibrary Loan policy
The Bryan + College Station Public Library System participates in the Texas State Library and Archives Commission Interlibrary Loan program (ILL). This service constitutes a partnership between the Library System and other libraries across the nation to loan and/or receive library materials that are not locally held. If a specific material is not listed in the Library System catalog, a patron may be able to request the material through ILL. We only request books, movies and audiobooks.
Note: We do not request new releases less than six months old.
The procedures and fees outlined in this policy do not apply to library materials that are borrowed within the Library System. Materials that belong to the Library System are not subject to this policy.
In order to request an item through ILL, a patron’s account must be current and in good standing. No items will be ordered if the account is not clear. Patrons who have an item listed as “Claimed Return” will be allowed to request materials through ILL. If, for any reason, there is a problem with the account, staff members can assist the patron in resolving the problem.
A patron is asked to provide as much information as possible, which includes name, valid library card, e-mail address and telephone number. For books, supply the author, title, and any publication information that will assist library staff in ordering the book. The ILL staff will notify the patron if the requested item cannot be ordered, if the form is missing pertinent information, or if the lending library charges a fee for the requested item.
Normally, this service is free; however, some libraries request a nonrefundable fee to lend certain titles. If this is the case, the ILL staff will contact the patron about the cost of the item. If the patron does not want to pay the fee, then the request will be cancelled. If the patron decides to pay the given amount, the library will re-request the item and a statement will be sent with the material. This adds to the amount of time needed to deliver the item.
A library patron may have up to three active ILL requests at one time. Once the patron is contacted, the item will remain on hold for seven days, regardless of the due date due to the lending library. If the item is not picked up by the eighth day, it will be sent back to lending library. Once a patron returns a material, another request can be made. It may take at least two weeks to receive the requested item depending on the location of the lending library and the number of copies available. If the item is needed by a certain date, provide this date on the “Date Needed By” blank.
Due dates are determined by the lending library and are not subject to the Library System’s control. Patrons may request an extension of the due date by contacting ILL staff. The lending library makes the final determination concerning the granting of a request for extension.
If ILL materials are returned damaged the lending library may assess fees/fines. The patron will be responsible for paying those fines. Checks or money orders may be made out to the lending library and given to the ILL staff. The ILL staff will be responsible for sending the check or money order to the lending library.
Patrons who fail to pay for lost or damaged ILL materials or who are habitually late in returning ILL materials to the library system may be denied future ILL borrowing based on the discretion of the ILL staff and the Library System Director.