Carnegie History Center - Part of the Bryan + College Station Public Library System

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Search thousands of titles in more than a dozen categories in print and electronic formats.
Books, music, movies, magazines. You name it, we’ve got it.
Search The Eagle Collection by NewsBank

Read The Eagle Newspaper

Explore Bryan-College Station history through local news, events, and people with The Eagle Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

What’s happening at our libraries

workforce solutions

Elevate Your Career with Workforce Solutions’ WIOA Program

BCS Libraries is joining forces with Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley “Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act” (WIOA) program to help job seekers.

E-Read Texas has moved to Boundless

The Boundless mobile app has replaced the SimplyE mobile app previously used by E-Read Texas libraries. Patrons still have access to additional e-book and audiobook content, just in a new app.
Achievement of Excellence in Libraries Award 2024

An excellent achievement

The BCS Library System has been recognized with the 2024 Achievement of Library Excellence Award from the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association.


2025 Member Texas Library System Acredited by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Family Place Libraries: Building Foundations for Early Learning

What’s happening at our libraries

workforce solutions

Elevate Your Career with Workforce Solutions’ WIOA Program

BCS Libraries is joining forces with Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley “Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act” (WIOA) program to help job seekers.

E-Read Texas has moved to Boundless

The Boundless mobile app has replaced the SimplyE mobile app previously used by E-Read Texas libraries. Patrons still have access to additional e-book and audiobook content, just in a new app.
Achievement if Excellence in Libraries Award from TMLDA.

An excellent achievement

The BCS Library System has been recognized with the 2023 Achievement of Library Excellence Award from the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association.

What we’re reading

Librarians read…a lot!
And since we read so much, we’re uniquely qualified to recommend books that we think others might enjoy. Here are some of the books that we’re reading right now that we think would be worth your time to consider.
Atlas of the Heart, Onyx Storm, and A Sunny Place for Shady People book covers

How to get a library card

A Bryan + College Station Public Library System library card opens more doors than you can possibly imagine. Let us help you get one.

Want to join a book club?

Our book clubs are a great way to meet new friends, have thoughtful discussion, and most of all, read and explore a wide variety of books.
Ringer Library sitting area.
Explore our digital offerings at the library. E-books, e-audiobooks and so much more.

Explore our digital offerings

We’re not just into hardcovers and paperbacks. We’ve got thousands of e-books and e-audiobooks for you to enjoy.

Get a library card

A library card opens more doors than you can possibly imagine.
ringer chairs

Join a book club

Our book clubs are a great way to meet new friends, have thoughtful discussion, and explore a wide variety of books.
Explore our digital offerings at the library. E-books, e-audiobooks and so much more.

Explore digital

We’ve got thousands of e-books and e-audiobooks for you to enjoy.